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  • Open the fuel inlet to insert Bullsoneshot. 

    500ML of Bullsoneshot is recommended for 70L of fuel, and the engine can be managed cleanly when used regularly for every 3,000 ~ 5,000km in driving distance, or at each season.

    For vehicles with over 30,000km in driving distance or with frequent city driving, we recommend to inject one bottle of Bullsoneshot and use another bottle on the next refueling. 

    After removing carbon deposit by using Bullsoneshot for 2 consecutive times, the clean engine can be maintained by using Bullsoneshot regularly at each season. 

  • There are no vehicles free from deposits inside the engine.  All vehicles are built up with soot, in other words, carbon deposit inside the engine due to the incomplete combustion during the combustion process. 

    This carbon deposit inside the engine is decreasing the engine performance, and shorten the engine life. Bullsoneshot removes the carbon deposit built up in the injector, intake valve and combustion chamber to maintain the engine in the condition of a new vehicle at all times.

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